Health is your greatest asset and now is the perfect time to invest.

Welcome! You have reached the premiere destination online where the health and well-being of Black women is priority.


Wealth = health

Wealth is more than an accumulation of money in the bank. True wealth is health. The ability to live a passion-propelled life of overflowing fullness and great fulfillment begins with good health.

Hi there! I’m Melinda and I’m a certified health and well-being coach and diversity, inclusion and health equity practitioner.

I am dedicated to improving health outcomes for Black women through health and wellness equity. I provide the awareness, education and tools needed to assist you in taking the best care of yourself possible. Guiding you to consistently make healthier choices until healthy living becomes a seamless part of your daily life. I am convinced that empowering Black women to advocate for their personal health and well-being will activate legacies of wellness.


Melinda Gore (health and wellness coach)
Healthy Living Guide for Black Women

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