It’s a lifestyle manual designed to inspire and motivate you to develop body positive living as an artful way of life. This book is intended to help you develop habits and make choices that foster uplifting, encouraging, motivational, and inspirational living.
It promotes seeing your body more appreciatively, more positively, and with greater acceptance. The cultivation of a way of life that fuels you in this manner is truly an art form. My new book is a must-read if:
you are a Black woman in your thirties and beyond who is dissatisfied with the reflection in the mirror.
you are tired of caring and worrying so much about how your body looks or doesn’t look, should or shouldn’t look.
you are overwhelmed and dissatisfied by the natural process of aging and society’s narrow standards of beauty.
Discover a new way of seeing yourself. Pounds will come and go, but a healthy body image when fostered by a body positive environment can last a lifetime.