
Achieve your best health. Invest in yourself.

The demands of work, family, and the busyness of life can quickly consume your life. Leaving very little time to relax, prepare a healthy home cooked meal or make it to the gym for a workout.


As a Black woman with a career and a family to care for, I understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. Maybe you begin each week with hopes of making healthier food choices on the go, or squeezing in a morning walk before your day begins, yet continue to miss the mark for a multitude of reasons.

Perhaps you put off much needed quality time with those who mean the most because the implicit bias and microaggressions that you face day after day, just by existing in the world, are robbing you of your zest for life, your energy is low and you’re just not feeling it.

Or maybe you ditch your girlfriends and plop down in front of Netflix again because it’s so much easier…plus you have nothing to wear. Especially since you haven’t gotten around to losing that extra “work from home” weight you’ve gained over the past few years.

Sound familiar? You may be surprised to learn that placing your health, mental or physical, on the back burner shows up in your life in a number of ways.

When you work with me in my coaching programs, you’ll quickly learn to become the single greatest advocate for your health and well-being. Together we’ll break down the barriers preventing you from investing in your most valuable asset, your health, but also leverage confidence to make better choices. Not to mention, have more energy, greater perspective and find more balance and enjoyment in every aspect of your life.


Speaking for Herself

Become an Articulate Advocate for Your Personal Health and Well-being


Improve your quality of life by becoming the single greatest advocate of your health and well-being.

Your doctor shouldn’t be the only one who understands your most important health measures. Nor should they be the only one urging you to do something about them. The increased burden of many health conditions that Black women carry compared to others is astounding. It is more important than ever to have a clear picture of your health. To not only understand the most important aspects, but also be able to confidently articulate what you need to achieve your personal best.

Learning how the choices we make impact our health is the foundation this comprehensive self-paced coaching program is built upon. Gaining an understanding of health-promoting food and fitness is key, but also important is the knowledge to confidently advocate for your very best health as well as partner with your healthcare providers to ensure you are doing your part in receiving the absolute best care.

With step by step guidance, you have the tools to assess your unique wellness needs, explore a multitude of health-promoting options and create a sustainable healthy living plan of action that meets you exactly where you are. Over the course of 8 online video coaching modules, together with a supportive Facebook community, you will feel empowered to take an active role in your personal health and well-being. 

You will identify the changes that are necessary to assist you in becoming the very best version of yourself and create a practical plan for transformation. Prepare to emerge bolder, empowered and confident while I support you with encouragement and accountability evert step of the way.  

Melinda Gore Health coaching packages